The Content Browser 2.0 is always free when you purchase the PMW F5/ F55 cameras. The following model numbers will include the Content Browser serial number before the end of March 2013; PMW-50/100/160/200, PWD-TD300/320/350/500, PMW-EX1R/EX3/EX3D, PMW-F3, PDW-700/F800, PDW-HD1500/F1600/HR1, PDW-U1/U2, XDS-1000/PD1000/PD2000. If you have a serial number from XDCAM Advanced Pack or NXCAM Activation Pack those can also be entered to obtain the Content Browser.
The Paid content of Podium Browser does require a purchase for a permanent license and requires a serial number for activation. The serial number is not the same as your SU Podium V2 license. Make sure you purchased a Paid content serial number or have entered this serial number in the Podium Browser options area. The Paid content serial number is comprised of 16 numbers and is not an Alpha Numeric license code like SU Podium license is.
Content Browser 2 Serial Number
The most common reason for not being able to access paid content is the Paid content serial number was entered incorrectly. Be careful that the serial number is correct. Make sure that there are no spaces before or after the 16 number serial number. Do not use your SU Podium V2 license for your Paid content serial number. The Paid content serial number is comprised of 16 whole numbers and no letters.
Activate the license. Open Podium Browser. Enter the sixteen digit (all whole numbers, no letters) serial number in the Podium Browser by clicking on the Options icon at the top of the Podium Browser user interface.
You can copy and paste the license key from your e-mail order receipt but it's best to key in your license to avoid adding spaces at the back or front of the serial number. After entering the 16 number serial number, click Save so that the license key will be saved on your computer. The serial number is not the same as your SU Podiumm V2 license code.
Error loading xxxx.skp: Invalid component file message may happen if there you have an internet connection problem, or the specific file is missing from the Podium Browser server or if the Paid content serial number is no longer recognized by Podium Browser.
The solution to this problem is to re-save your Podium Browser serial number in the Podium Browser SketchUp plug-in. We are not sure why this problem occasionally occurs but if you see this message go to Podium Browser (inside SketchUp), Options and re-save your serial number. Usually, this action will solve the Invalid Component File message.
Web accessibility depends not only on accessible content but also on accessible Web browsers and other user agents. Authoring tools also have an important role in Web accessibility. For an overview of how these components of Web development and interaction work together, see:
This publication has been funded in part with U.S. Federal funds from the Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), initially under contract number ED-OSE-10-C-0067 and now under contract number HHSP23301500054C. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
To see the warranty coverage for your Surface, Surface accessory, Xbox, or Xbox accessory, you'll need to register its serial number. Some online features won't be available when you add your device this way.
The intent of this Success Criterion is to support people with low vision who need to enlarge text and read it in a single column. When the browser zoom is used to scale content to 400%, it reflows - i.e., it is presented in one column so that scrolling in more than one direction is not necessary.
Supporting the reflow of content is also known as 'Responsive Web Design'. It is enabled by CSS media queries which reformat the web content for different viewport widths (at particular break points) in order to provide optimised layouts for mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. Importantly, these breakpoints are not only triggered by narrower viewports, but also when users employ the browser zoom function to zoom into the page.
In a desktop browser at 100% (default) scale, typical web pages that support reflow display content in two, three or more columns. Zooming in will at some point trigger a change of layout, so content will now be displayed in fewer columns. At a higher magnification scale of 200% or more, content will usually be rendered in a single column. Parts of content that were in the marginal columns, like a navigation menu or supplementary content, will now typically appear on top of or below the main content.
Interfaces which provide toolbars to edit content need to show both the content and the toolbar in the viewport. Depending on the number of toolbar buttons, the toolbar may need to scroll in the direction of text (e.g., horizontally in a vertically scrolling page). This Success Criterion therefore does not apply to interfaces which provide toolbars.
Most browsers on mobile operating systems do not combine reflow and zoom in the same way as on desktop browsers. These mobile browsers normally support reflow when changing the orientation of the device -- content will be adjusted to the new viewport width. However, these mobile browsers can only magnify content to achieve 1.4.4. Resize Text in manners which do not constrain reflow to a single dimension, for example by using a pinch gesture to scale up content or a double tap on a particular column to make it fill the viewport width. This means that zoomed content in most mobile browsers involves two-dimensional scrolling regardless of what an author does.
Mobile user agents can offer reflow when users zoom into content, as evidenced by the Dolphin browser for Android. The lack of magnified reflow support in browsers on mobile operating systems can therefore be regarded as a user agent support issue.
The contact information doesn't match what is already associated with the serial number when the product was registered. This can happen if there is a change to your name, the company name, or your address after the product was registered. Keep your contact information up-to-date using Register Once. There, you can add an account with your current information, register products to that account, and delete your old accounts, or those with outdated information.
Otherwise, visit AVA (Autodesk Virtual Agent) to resolve the issue and automatically receive an activation code or connect with an agent. Provide your serial number, request code, and contact information
They are used to encode information such as key identifiers (product, shipment, location, etc.) and key attributes (serial numbers, batch/lot numbers, dates, etc.) via GS1 syntaxes (plain, GS1 element string and GS1 Digital Link URI).
Use justify-content utilities on flexbox containers to change the alignment of flex items on the main axis (the x-axis to start, y-axis if flex-direction: column). Choose from start (browser default), end, center, between, or around.
We said that a language can be parsed by regular parsers if its grammar is a context free grammar. An intuitive definition of a context free grammar is a grammar that can be entirely expressed in BNF. For a formal definition see Wikipedia's article on Context-free grammarTypes of parsers #There are two types of parsers: top down parsers and bottom up parsers. An intuitive explanation is that top down parsers examine the high level structure of the syntax and try to find a rule match. Bottom up parsers start with the input and gradually transform it into the syntax rules, starting from the low level rules until high level rules are met.Let's see how the two types of parsers will parse our example.The top down parser will start from the higher level rule: it will identify 2 + 3 as an expression. It will then identify 2 + 3 - 1 as an expression (the process of identifying the expression evolves, matching the other rules, but the start point is the highest level rule).The bottom up parser will scan the input until a rule is matched. It will then replace the matching input with the rule. This will go on until the end of the input. The partly matched expression is placed on the parser's stack.StackInput2 + 3 - 1term+ 3 - 1term operation3 - 1expression- 1expression operation1expression-This type of bottom up parser is called a shift-reduce parser, because the input is shifted to the right (imagine a pointer pointing first at the input start and moving to the right) and is gradually reduced to syntax rules.Generating parsers automatically #There are tools that can generate a parser. You feed them the grammar of your language - its vocabulary and syntax rules - and they generate a working parser. Creating a parser requires a deep understanding of parsing and it's not easy to create an optimized parser by hand, so parser generators can be very useful.WebKit uses two well known parser generators: Flex for creating a lexer and Bison for creating a parser (you might run into them with the names Lex and Yacc). Flex input is a file containing regular expression definitions of the tokens. Bison's input is the language syntax rules in BNF format.HTML Parser #The job of the HTML parser is to parse the HTML markup into a parse tree.The HTML grammar definition #The vocabulary and syntax of HTML are defined in specifications created by the W3C organization.Not a context free grammar #As we have seen in the parsing introduction, grammar syntax can be defined formally using formats like BNF.Unfortunately all the conventional parser topics do not apply to HTML (I didn't bring them up just for fun - they will be used in parsing CSS and JavaScript). HTML cannot easily be defined by a context free grammar that parsers need.There is a formal format for defining HTML - DTD (Document Type Definition) - but it is not a context free grammar.This appears strange at first sight; HTML is rather close to XML. There are lots of available XML parsers. There is an XML variation of HTML - XHTML - so what's the big difference?The difference is that the HTML approach is more "forgiving": it lets you omit certain tags (which are then added implicitly), or sometimes omit start or end tags, and so on. On the whole it's a "soft" syntax, as opposed to XML's stiff and demanding syntax.This seemingly small detail makes a world of a difference. On one hand this is the main reason why HTML is so popular: it forgives your mistakes and makes life easy for the web author. On the other hand, it makes it difficult to write a formal grammar. So to summarize, HTML cannot be parsed easily by conventional parsers, since its grammar is not context free. HTML cannot be parsed by XML parsers.HTML DTD #HTML definition is in a DTD format. This format is used to define languages of the SGML family. The format contains definitions for all allowed elements, their attributes and hierarchy. As we saw earlier, the HTML DTD doesn't form a context free grammar.There are a few variations of the DTD. The strict mode conforms solely to the specifications but other modes contain support for markup used by browsers in the past. The purpose is backwards compatibility with older content. The current strict DTD is here: #The output tree (the "parse tree") is a tree of DOM element and attribute nodes. DOM is short for Document Object Model. It is the object presentation of the HTML document and the interface of HTML elements to the outside world like JavaScript.The root of the tree is the "Document" object.The DOM has an almost one-to-one relation to the markup. For example: 2ff7e9595c